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Plotter Pen Bit for CNC Machines - Thick Line
Plotter Pen Bit for CNC Machines - Use Your CNC Machine as a Plotter, Draws in 4 Colors of Permanent Ink - WidgetWorks Unlimited

Our Price: $39.95

Quantity in Stock:24

Shipping: Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours

Use your CNC router, CNC mill, or CNC plasma cutter to draw like a plotter in four colors of permanent ink: BLACK, BLUE, RED, and GREEN. Our CNC Plotter Pen Bit fits in any 1/2" collet, just like a regular end mill. Instead of rotating and cutting like an end mill, the bit allows your CNC machine to draw like a plotter with the spindle TURNED OFF.

Draw in permanent ink on all kinds of smooth surfaced materials: paper, cardboard, MDF, particle board, veneered plywood, foam, plastics, metal, glass, etc. For temporary applications, the ink can be removed from non-porous surfaces using acetone/nail polish remover. The "floating head" style bit automatically regulates pressure on the pen, making it easy for your CNC machine to draw a precise line without wearing down the pen's tip. The bit is designed to compensate for warped material and tables that are not perfectly flat.

Comes complete with everything you need to start drawing, including the floating-head pen holder, 4 colors of permanent ink, (black, blue, red, green) and detailed directions on how to create your cut files, how to set your bit height / Z=0 level, and recommended feed/speed rates. (Mounting bracket required for use with CNC plasma cutters is NOT INCLUDED.)

    CNC Plotter Pen Bit Technical Specs:
  • Bit Diameter: 1/2"
  • Bit Length: 3 3/4"
  • Ink Colors Included: Black, Blue, Red, Green
  • Line Width: Approximately 0.050" (Up to 0.135" by modifying tip)

CNC Plotter Pen Bit Video - See It In Action!

Common Applications for Our CNC Plotter Pen Bit
  • Draw your signature, company logo, or artwork on your parts
  • Loft large parts to review your cut files without risking expensive material
  • Print full-scale patterns for use in your shop or to sell with kits
  • Label parts for easy assembly of kits
  • Create witness marks to locate welds, mounting studs, and other secondary operations
  • Mark the locations for brads or screws used to hold down your material during machining

Turn Your CNC Machine Into a Plotter in 3 Easy Steps
  1. STEP 1: Create your CAD/CAM file (G-Code) using the same software and methods used to create standard 2-D cut files. (Detailed instructions on creating cut files, including recommended feed / speed rates, are included with the bit.)
  2. STEP 2: Secure your part to the spoilboard with vacuum pressure, clamps, screws, double-sided tape, etc. Insert the plotter pen bit in your 1/2" collet (router/mill) or mounting bracket (plasma torch) and set your bit height / Z = 0 level.
  3. STEP 3: Run your cut file to draw on your part. The "floating head" style bit regulates pressure on the pen, making it easy for your CNC machine to draw a precise line without wearing down the pen's tip.

Common CNC Plotter Pen Bit Questions & Answers

What's Included with Our CNC Plotter Pen Bit:
  • Floating-head pen holder bit
  • 4 colors of permanent ink: Black, Blue, Red, and Green
  • Detailed step-by-step instructions on how to create your drawing files, how to set your bit height / Z=0 level, and recommended feed/speed rates

What Else Do You Need To Get Started Drawing with Your CNC Machine:
  • CNC router, CNC milling machine, or CNC plasma cutter with 1/2" collet or mounting bracket
  • Standard CAD and CAM software for creating your drawing/cut file
  • Spoilboard surfaced flat to +/- 0.100". The bit is designed to compensate for warped material and tables that are not perfectly flat.
  • Supplies to clamp your part in place while drawing

Replacement Parts / Maintaining Your CNC Plotter Pen Bit:
  • The pens included with our bit are manufactured to last a long time before they run dry. Individual results will vary based on your feed rates and the surface texture/type of material you draw on.
  • While our CNC Plotter Pen Bits are fairly rugged, dropping the bit onto a concrete floor or accidentally plunging your Z-axis into your part may damage the pen tip. If you're the type of person who likes to keep a backup on hand, or if you find that your pen is out of ink or damaged, ink refills are available in our Replacement Blades, Tips, Pens, etc. section.

What Materials Can Our CNC Plotter Pen Bit Draw On?
  • Our CNC Plotter Pen Bit draws in permanent ink on all kinds of smooth surfaced materials: paper, cardboard, MDF, particle board, veneered plywood, foam, plastics, metal, glass, etc.
  • Materials with rough or textured surfaces, such as OSB or CDX plywood, may cause abnormal wear and tear on the pen tip and are not recommended.
  • For temporary applications, ink can be removed from non-porous surfaces using acetone/nail polish remover.

Will Our CNC Plotter Pen Bit Work with Your CNC Machine?
  • Our CNC Plotter Pen Bit is compatible with most CNC routers, CNC milling machines, and CNC plasma cutters. It fits in any 1/2" collet, just like a regular end mill. Instead of rotating and cutting like an end mill, the bit allows your CNC machine to draw like a plotter with the spindle TURNED OFF. The "floating head" style bit regulates pressure on the pen while your CNC machine drags the tip along the surface of your part.
  • If you use a CNC plasma cutter (or your spindle is too small for 1/2" shank bits) you can attach our CNC Plotter Pen Bit directly to your Z-axis for drawing. The easiest way to accomplish this is to create a bushing that slips over the pen bit and fits into your current torch/spindle mount. Some customers modify their mounting bracket to hold the bit at an offset from the standard cutting head, allowing them to draw without removing their torch/spindle.

Can Your CAD/CAM Software Create Cut Files for Drawing / Plotting?
  • Cut files (G-Code) for drawing with our CNC Plotter Pen Bit can be created using the same software and methods used to create standard 2-D cut files. While some software packages offer built in engraving or V-Carving options, standard profiling and pocketing operations will work just as well. Detailed instructions on creating cut files, including recommended feed / speed rates, are included with the bit. Make sure that your drawing path does not cross any open holes or pockets in your part - the pen tip will drop into the hole and could be damaged.

How Do You Set Z = 0 with Our CNC Plotter Pen Bit?
  • Electrical sensors and touch plates used for setting Z-axis values with standard end mills will not work with our CNC Plotter Pen Bit - the pen's tip does not conduct electricity. We recommend setting your bit height / Z=0 level manually by slowly lowering your Z-axis while sliding a piece of paper back and forth across the top of your part. When your bit reaches the Z=0 point, it will touch the top of your part and create lines on the piece of paper. Set Z=0 in your control software and you're ready to start drawing.

Accessories for This Product...
Replacement Pens for Plotter Pen Bit - Thick Line
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Replacement Pens for Plotter Pen Bit - Use Your CNC Machine as a Plotter, Draws in 4 Colors of Permanent Ink - WidgetWorks Unlimited